You should all know I'm all about supporting black models and all that stuff. It's funny when people bring up why some people have made it so successfully and The Fashion Insiders always reply with something vague and pretentious like it's the structure of her face or she has an exotic/ethereal look. Some examples of this are women like Alek Wek who most definitely takes great shots but to the Black Community she's just another dark African.
I don't think anyone can truthfully claim to see world-class potential in the above photograph nor could you have suspected she would rise to the fame she has today
..and then we see her that when she actually gets behind the camera. Hair, Make-up, $2000 jacket (and photoshop) she would come out with a picture like this
....Or this! One of my favourite photoshoots of Alek Wek with a Tribal Theme (obviously) for I-D Magazine sometime last year.
Either way shes paved the way for another model from Sudan namely Nykhor (Red models) who has quite an uncanny resemblance to Miss. Wek. You know her much sent her black ass off to N Y as soon as they heard about Alek.